The Shift

The shamanic shift is happening today. It will be seismic; it may have a physical manifestation. It will predominantly have spiritual manifestations in those who are ready. It will bring clarity of purpose and role.  

Some will be required to make significant changes to their life where they haven’t before. Others who have themselves in a place of readiness will more easily and rapidly move into their new beingness. Where people are at will determine the timing of change, yet the change has been initiated. There is sufficient strength in the number of awakened souls in the world, together with those innumerous beings that gather around the earth, for the transformation to begin as planned. More awakened beings would have been preferred, yet there is sufficient for now. Many more of course will awaken following the shift. Many are needed to bring earth to the tipping point.  

The onus on the already awakened is to strengthen their awakened selves. There is no need to strive or be anything other than who they are, but becoming clear of who they are is essential. This is the purpose of the shift – to bring clarity, to remove blocks that have previously stood between a person’s true purpose and their current earth self. The removal of such blocks will be calamitous for some, in that it will remove those things they relied on; people, jobs, homes, relationships, status, reputation, expression of a skill. These things created safety and, in that safety, they became stagnant and removed from their true self and their life’s purpose. It will for some feel difficult and painful to have that safety, those blockages, removed. Trust the process; what is beyond is peace, joy, love and fulfilment, true, lasting, deep fulfilment. 

Another way of looking at this: when the light goes out as the sun is rising, you can still see to read to write. What happens is that you focus more acutely. This is what is happening now. The lights will go out on some parts of your world that you have been relying on to exist. The light has been external to you, provided by someone else or to meet someone else’s expectations of you, which means the source of the light has been outside of your energy and you have had to hand over parts of your energy to make use of the light. As these lights, these external sources of power, go out you now need to go within, find within the power, energy, skills, capacity and will to be in the world as you truly are. As you truly are. 

There is no external powerpoint anymore. You need to plug into your own resources, vast that they are. This is a time to be alone, to go within, to find quietness and self-reflection time.  

Yet there is support; beings who are available to guide, challenge, intuit and hold space for those needing co-creation experiences. Awakened beings who have set an intention to be who they are and bring forth their gift for the awakening of the world. Those who have learned how to coexist in both their awakened world and the dense world.  

Each one, wherever they are along the path, must find space for who they are. Ask the question and expect an answer. Find space to wait; for the voice, the message, the song, the card, for whatever form the messages come, be ready to hear. Sit in silence without distraction as often as possible.  

The heavens, if you like, have opened. The density is lifting, light is emanating from each one of you into the shadows of your own souls, your lives and those around you. 

Dawn has come