Consciously creating

Creating is what we are here for, creating is what we do. We do not need to start creating. We already are, from the moment of our conception. Creating consciously is what will assist us to live happy, fulfilled, awakened, deeply satisfying and peaceful lives. 

How do we begin or continue to create consciously? 

First, by setting that intention – that you choose to create consciously. It might be as a morning ritual or part of your awakening prayer. Something like … 

My intention for today is to be my highest true self. I am a creator and today I will create consciously from love. 

This prayer recognises your creative capacity, crowns it in love and expresses it be active towards realising your higher self. It is a complete prayer, or you may add specific questions to this such as ‘what power in me is seeking to be expressed today?’ The answer will emerge, not necessarily instantly but as your day unfolds. 

Secondly, practise any technique that stills you and brings you into the present moment. You can only consciously create when you are in the present moment. Meditation, yoga, Tai chi, stretching, writing, walking, running, gardening. These are all activities that bring you into the present moment, ideally done on your own.  

Ensure that you practise activities with deliberate breathing. One technique is four focused breaths, four times a day. This is sometimes called the Meditation of four.  

  • Breathe in for a count of four  
  • Breathe out for a count of four  
  • Hold for a count of four 

Do this four times a day. Try it for four days and see if you notice an increased lightness and whether your ability to centre yourself and bring your attention back to the present has improved. 

Finally, take action. Do something that feels right for you, that takes you closer to your highest, true self. This is not a wellness, go have a massage message. This is about taking a step towards what you love, because what you love is who you truly are.  

If you love to write, write for half an hour. If you have a dream of setting up some kind of business, give yourself time to experiment with it; the name, logo, colours, offerings. Describe it, how it feels, what it looks like. Research what others are doing and take notes. If you want to work with animals, go and be with them. Every animal has messages for us that they would love you to hear. If you want to work with people in a particular way; education, support, facilitation. Imagine it, play it out in your mind exactly how you see it happening. Imagination is a wildly creative tool when used deliberately. 

If you’re not sure what you love, that’s OK. Buy crayons or pencils, find a large piece of white paper and draw. Or play an instrument, drum or dance for half an hour.   

When you’ve taken your lovely, creative, fun, action, you may need to go back to your other responsibilities. As you do, look for the signs. Look for the messages. They may be spoken out of a partner or child’s mouth (and from my experience, they may never remember saying it). You, however, will know when it is a message. It may be about the next action to take or it may be one of reassurance. Acknowledge it, give thanks and note it down.

Continue the next day; start with your intention, have deliberate moments of presence through breathing and other activities, and take one action. One deliberate, joyful action.  

Each day, you will spend more and more time in the present, in your body. And each day the pathway to your true higher self will unfold. This is usually how it happens, a gradual unfolding. Trust the process of conscious creation and soon you will be sharing more deeply your enriched gifts to this world.