Letting go

The shift is happening rapidly now. What you call the good and the bad, though it is neither, will be something you observe with the shift. In the period of rapid changes there is, as you know, events that will be labelled as negative: wars, deaths, pain, violence. This, however, can be kept to a minimum through the higher energy beings holding their attention on Source, on Love, on Oneness.

Your challenge, as a higher energy being, is to hold that attention yourself on Source, Oneness, Love. There are many ways to do that, unique to everyone. For you, sitting outside in your garden is about as close to Source that you get, so keep doing that. Others walk in nature, spend time with pets, or only in meditation can they fix their attention on Source.

The call to you and all is to discard those activities that resonate with a lower energy than that required to be a part of the shift. This requires things to be let go of. For some, this will be, or at least initially feel, difficult. For example, letting go of relationships, including those that are called family, letting go of work arrangements, getting off social media or minimising it to the uplifting aspects. Whatever it is that has a low energy vibration, start letting go of it.

In reviewing your life, look at what in your life vibrates at a high energy, supports your awakening and brings the necessary knowledge and resources to you. Make a list of those, and maximise the times that you are engaged in those activities. Then make a list of what feels like it vibrates at a low energy and let go of them.

Honestly asset the vibration of all around you, everything you do, everything you interact with, and start making changes. You can start small; maybe a change in your diet, removing a food or liquid from your daily or weekly activities. Maybe remove one game from your electronic devices and replace the time playing that game with time in meditation or a walk around the block or the garden, or out to the balcony, or a stretching routine. Whatever is within your capacity to do.

Remember in all this, there is no inherently bad things; it is the energy attitude we’ve attached to it, personally and collectively. For example, with social media, there are opportunities for awakening energy to be spread via social media; each of you are able to discern that which is awakening energy and that which is not. That which is not, must be relented. Facebook can be a high vibration communication, used to share messages that uplift and shift others to high vibrations. In this way, it mirrors and build energy and intention. For some, however, it is a mechanism that operates at a low energy, their energy is captured by it and they need to set it aside.

There is no judgement in this. It is all a realisation that to maintain high energy awakening vibration, you need to minimise exposure to low energy vibrational activities. This makes sense and is not revolutionary. This is about living in the world but not of it. It is ok to participate in practices consistent with, or at least not resistant to, your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Yet, in that, some practices that sustain your physical wellbeing, for example, whilst having physical benefits, may have an overall detrimental effect on your energy. For example, the energy of sports could be low because it operates at a highly competitive, aggressive, homogenous group culture level. For others, or other sporting areas, sport can have the energy of inclusion, inspiration, personal betterment and support and celebration of participation as a priority.

In this process it may be important to address your energetic attitude to things like money, relationships, family and so forth. Some practices that your society have deemed to be necessary, like working for money, have caused your wellbeing to be compromised. The premise of having to work for money is flawed. It keeps you, many, from realising your true selves. This is precisely why the premise is maintained, to stop your awakening. You see it in all of your society debates: you are told, you hear, that people are not entitled to money unless they work, they are not entitled to dignity unless they work or unless their work pays them enough money, which many work roles do not. This belief is used to exclude many people from having value. You and others know this, so you advocate, lobby, protest and rally against this attitude. You argue that people are worthy of money and dignity whether they work or not. This is admirable, it demonstrates empathy and compassion, a desire to see others valued and for all, particularly governments, to recognise their value in the way that you do.

It is, however, not the way that a shift towards valuing all will happen. It will not create equitable resource allocation and equality of opportunity. This is because, this fight you are having will produce exactly that, a fight. An energy of fighting can only result in more fights and more reasons to fight. Just as focusing on the lack of things will only ever result in more of the experience of lack.

This has been said over and over again: what you focus on is what you create. You can create money when you see it as simply energy and focus on that: money is only energy! If you focus on the energy of a lack of money, money being hoarded by others, there never being enough money to go around, inequitable distribution, etc. that is what you create.

Money is energy, that is all it is. The Universe wants all of its lightworkers to have money. Therefore, it is time to trust that money will come now, from known and unknown sources, when you need it and so you can fulfil your person and universal purpose.

You know yourself what builds and increases your energy. If you feel unsure, start with an aspect of your life that vibrates at a low energy and remove it. In this act alone your resonance with energy will improve; your discernment will grow and you’ll be able to see another part of your life that vibrates at a low energy, and remove it. Or perhaps you will increase engagement with and participation in something that vibrates at a higher energy.

For some, small adjustments will be all that they can do, and even that is enough. Anything that contributes to the cleaning of their spiritual energy will help. This might be achieved by cleaning up their home, or be releasing some activities that are fun, yet leave them feeling empty or are associated with substance abuse.

These steps do not need to be monumental activities. Drinking more teas made from herbs in the garden might be all you do to vibrate at a higher energy. What is important is the energetic shift intention: in letting go you are saying to yourselves and the Universe that you understand that everything is energy and you intend to vibrate at a higher energy. That intention is powerful.

Imagine the changes in the Earth’s energetic levels when all embrace this truth and make a shift. It will truly cause the energy of the Earth to shift towards a higher vibrational energy.

Whoever you are and wherever you are, you can contribute to this. Make a change now.

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