Time for women

Yesterday as I was driving, I was waiting for a break in the cars, and eventually I demanded a break. Immediately a break became available, and I was able to move into the traffic to return home. As this happened a message came to me from my Guides about the power that women need to use. We need to state what it is we choose very clearly and commandingly. It is our right to exercise our power. It is our right to be the powerful beings that we are.  

For too long we have felt like we are oppressed, and the word ‘felt’ is used carefully here. There has been patriarchal rule over the earth for some time, but that age has passed. Unfortunately, women have not yet reclaimed their power and that is what we must do.  

We must rise up, not with anger, with love and light. Love is, above all, the energy we need to take but it must come from a place where all of our power is within us. Most women have scattered their power, their energy, around, thinking that it will help others. It does not help others. In fact, it stops others from coming into their own power and it depletes us.  

The most important thing for women to do at this time is to call their energy back. 

Call your energy back. 

There are different ways that this can be done: in meditation you can imagine this happening. I’ve often encouraged women to be in a sitting meditation position and to physically reach out and pull their power and their energy back into their heart. As they do this, sometimes resistance is met and yet it is so important to continue it.  

Sometimes women feel like they will hurt others in this process. That is not the case. As you pull your energy back, including and usually from those that you love, they will be free to be their true selves and the space you leave can be filled up by their own energy and their own power. You can be of much greater service and assistance to them when you are fully in your power. You may use an affirmation, a ritual, whatever works for you. Take time, you only have to do this once.  

Be intentional and state to the universe that you are calling all of your power back to yourself.  

When women have brought all their power back into themselves, then the next step is to step into that power. Stepping into their power means taking their first step, or next step, towards being and realising and showing up in the world as their true self.  

In this, women may feel confronted by what they see as obstacles. There are no obstacles. There is nothing and no one in your way. If you see obstacles, it is only a reflection, a mirror of you choosing to continue to allow a block or an obstacle; you continuing to step away or not be willing to step up. It is only ever a reflection of yourself. It may feel like the obstacle you see is something that you are powerless to control and of course you are powerless to control anyone else. But it is not actually in truth an obstacle to you fulfilling your first step or next step towards your true self.  

If you see that obstacle, take responsibility for it, because it is only when you take full responsibility for everything – everything – that shows up in your life, that you can move forward. Take responsibility for exactly how your life is right now. And however it is, it doesn’t matter. because you can change it. But only you can change it. Others may choose to change which may create, eventually, a change in what you see. But if you are not the owner of the change you wish to see, then whatever you feel or whatever energy or obstacle you feel that someone else is bringing into your life, even if they remove themselves, another very similar obstacle will appear anyway.  

Do not ask anyone to change except yourself. You can only – only – fully express your power and your true self when you take full responsibility for who you are and the world around you. 

So, call your energy back, take a step towards your true self, even if you feel the obstacles are there, step around them, find another way, but be commanding.  

Be commanding in your life. You are powerful and it is time for all women to step into their powerful selves. Not to become domineering, not to have power over, but to have the capacity to be our true selves. We have been taught to be quiet, to not demand the outcome we want, but it is now time with love to command our lives. If we want a break in the traffic, be commanding about it. If we want to move into a space where we are supported, be commanding about it. If we want to change how we show up in the world, be commanding about it. State, I am strong, I am receiving guidance, I am seeing the signs I need, I am getting the support for my new venture. Be commanding. 

It is time for women to rise up with love and light.