2020: What’s going on?

One cannot fulfil their destiny if they are not fully loving of themselves – accepting, grateful, deeply loving of who they are. Those with certain experiences within their family, who know they are the creators of their lives, can struggle significantly with what they have created. This becomes a barrier to loving themselves. They are disappointed with themselves, they cannot trust themselves, they think that they are incapable of making good decisions and they think they are not worthy of a good life if they failed so significantly at protecting themselves from negative family experiences.

Those that are aware, and those that are not, project these feelings and responses to the world. Don’t we all do that – how we feel about ourselves is how we interact with the world.

They can’t trust themselves, they can’t trust the world.

They project energy of a lack of capability and this energy amasses – in leadership, in public service – this is a strong energy right now because so many people are dissatisfied with themselves and where they have ended up and, knowing it is their choice, they project lack of capability. Their lives, the people around them, are to their mind ‘failures’ – unhappy jobs, stale relationships, under-performance, unfulfilled. This leads to a sense within themselves of lack of capability. However, due to either their inability or unwillingness to own that, it is projected, energised, created.

Now, think about your own life and whether you’re experiencing and maybe even projecting, lack of capability.

The experience of lack of capability creates a cycle, feeding itself. You need to go back to the time when choices were made creating in you the experience of disappointment that leads to an expression of lack of capability. Yes, there are many, and it’s not necessary to return to every one.

Time to go on a short healing process …