From struggle

Channelled 22 March 2022

Yesterday I was given a message to get the channelled writing I receive out there because there’s people who are looking for it. So, here it is. Previous writing will be added just as soon as I type it up.

Message for today: Struggle

We know there is a great sense and energy of struggle upon many people today. Struggle comes from misalignment with your true selves. Alignment, awakening, however, does not take the same shape for everyone. Some will continue to work in what you call a 9-5 job, seemingly part of the herd or hive mentality. Yet, the experience will be, and for some already is, very different to others. There will be a sense of effortlessness in all that they do. The work does not need to be inspiring for it to be aligned or effortlessness. In some ways, the more inspiring the work, the more likely people are to have their mind captured and lose their connection to the Oneness.

Those that live in alignment, whilst also in common work roles, play an important part in the awakening. They have the ability to understand the daily human grind without being energetically connected to it. This is a great power – to be in the world but not of it. This has been spoken of much.

These people are conduits to others, the source of initial awakening by others, the signposts to the Source for many souls.

Remember that this is not the time of guru’s or leaders, that time is past. Each person must find the path to awakening within, not without. That does not mean that others will not provide guidance and illuminate the path: authors and speakers will do this, yet they remain more suspect, more vulnerable to capture. As these authors and speakers move through their life path, they are targeted and can lose their way. In some respects, the targeting of higher profile individuals helps those that are working quietly away, in their daily lives, as they are left alone to awaken others. But it will also result in some being misled.

The hive mind of people on earth is programmed to follow: follow Jesus, a guru, inspirational changemakers like Ghandi. In the process of awakening, however, this method cannot be utilised, yet, it seems the most easy because people are trained to ‘follow’. Social media is the manifestation of this. The peak of ‘following’ has been reached. People are waking up to the lack of fulfilment that following others has offered.

To support the awakening via a following concept is a folly, that only repeats the earth’s current low density framework. Awakening steps may happen, yet slowly, in tune with the earth’s dense energy. Also, the person being followed remains captured to the hive mind: this captive state will perpetuate until their awakening self subsides and all the followers are left in the same 3D state, feeling disillusioned, resentful and unfulfilled. Promises unkept.

This is not the path and those that still promise this ought to be avoided. Teaching, gentle promptings, encouragement, modelling … this is the energy you are looking for within your self. As you seek the wisdom within yourself you will be led to circumstances where you have the opportunity to remember the deep wisdom of the universe. You are seeking experiences of resonance – where what you read, hear, witness, resonates with a deep truth, where it just feels right, as if it is something that you knew all along, you just weren’t able to articulate it.

Honour those sharing the messages in the way you feel is necessary: seek more of the messages coming through them, share their work, recognise their role in your awakening, communicate your thanks and gratitude. Take their message into yourself, sit with the deep truths being revealed, and allow the next message to come, whatever it may be and from wherever it may come.

The messages come in forms familiar to you, embedded in your life, like a phone call with a friend. They will not necessarily be startling or outside the ordinary, especially if you are not yet open to that. They will be as has been written, the still small voice, the chance encounter, the casual conversation, walking past a book swap and in the selection of those books is one for you.

The tools of awakening are within you and amongst your daily life. Awakening does not require a retreat, accessible only for those with the financial and family support and resources to do so. Awakening is for all and the opportunities to do so are unlimited. The pathway is available to all and the means is within everyone. Each person has the means, through their own existing resources. What they need, what you need, is at hand, right now. Within you, a book, a message, the message you need to unlock the door and step through, is within grasp.

Step away from the struggle, from your limited thinking. Take one step towards the awakening and many steps will be taken towards you and for you. You must in this, however, be willing to let go. For you cannot take onto the awakening path that which would hold you to the hive mind. The letting go is for another day.

For now, take that step and trust that messages will come, messengers will come, indeed, we are already here.